Building a future worth fighting for

We believe in the power of grassroots and community-based innovators to make a massive impact.

The Somel Foundation exists to advocate for and promote fundamental human rights for all persons.

Philanthropy that Innovates

We seek to address fundamental social inequalities and fix systemic inequities in current society’s power structures.

This is why a significant portion of Somel’s capital goes toward our foundation.

Our Funding Model

The way we approach philanthropy is in many ways similar to how we approach funding a business: with a view of maximizing impact by supporting changemakers. We look for networks, movements, and organizations who work closely with affected communities and stakeholders, as well as those who are unafraid to be innovative.

Our Partners

In the years since we’ve begun our philanthropic work, we have funded organizations in various focus areas, including advocating for gender equality, access to health care and education of all persons, sustainable development assistance and climate justice.

The following are some of our partners:

Meet our partners

Let’s talk

Are you an organization or an individual with a goal to create massive social impact, we are interested in funding you.